Diversity and Inclusion in Terrible Mothers’ activities

In 2019, we began to actively develop our multicultural work. Through multilingualism and a diversity-based approach, we made sure that our activities are open for all, that each participants unique story is acknowledged and taken into account and that moms in Finland can all have access to our groups and our volunteering activities.
Why and for who?
In our survey to mothers of teenagers from the summer 2020, it appeared that more than 70% of the moms who answered felt that multiculturality was playing a part in their life. Some of them because of being an immigrant, or living in an intercultural family, an interfaith family, a multilingual family, or many other reasons.
In addition to multiculturality, the mothers also appear to live in a very wide diversity: diverse families, diverse cultures, diverse challenges and diverse expectations.
The multicultural work in Kamalat äidit aims therefore at ensuring that our activities, for the participants and for the volunteers, are inclusive and respectful of the diversity of all the mothers.
We are focusing on two main tools : multilingualism and diversity-based approach.
- Our materials for volunteers and participants have been translated in English, Spanish , easy Finnish, Swedish and Arabic. We have increased our recruitment of multilingual volunteers, in order to be able to open groups in many different languages all around Finland.
- We are aware and pay attention to the diversity of the mothers and the families that they represent. Through questionnaires, feedback, a growing material bank, a diversification of partnerships and networks. We offer a diversity and inclusion training to all our volunteers.